A Guide to Master Working from Home.

By Kawshi Bandara .

Introduction After the Covid-19 pandemic hit lots of companies started to establish a working from home approach to keep the employees safe. Most of the companies in the IT industry have now decided to continue with this approach. Since this is going to be a long-running method of working it is a must to learn how to be more productive while working at home. Following are some practical strategies to boost productivity and create a thriving work-from-home environment.

1. Have a morning routine

Set an alarm for every day and follow the normal morning habits just like you are going to an office. Get ready, set the working space so you get the signal to start a more productive day mentally and physically. Implementing a thorough routine can help you become more awake in the morning and will help you to increase your motivation during the day.

2. Plan your day

Every morning before starting work, prioritize your tasks and create a to do list to have a more scheduled and planned day. This will help you to focus on your daily goals and achieve them. Maintaining a daily planner will help you to have a clear idea about the work that needs to be done within the day and to finish them on time.

3. Take healthy breaks in the middle

Make sure to take at least 5 minutes breaks in the middle of the tasks. Go outside for some air to reset your mind. This will boost your energy and refresh your mind to continue with the work. Taking these breaks will prevent you from experiencing burnouts throughout the day and will improve the quality of your work.

4. Have a dedicated workspace

Have a space dedicated to work. Don’t work in the same place you sleep or relax. Have a separate place to keep your desk and chair so that when you enter that space you know consciously that you are there to work. A well-organized and comfortable workspace can enhance focus and concentration, making it easier to dive into your tasks with a clear mind.

5. Turn off notifications

Turn off non-essential notifications from your social media apps to keep your mind off your phone. A small notification can force you to check your phone and without realizing you can spend hours on the phone after that. Turning off the notification will keep you away from the phone and it will prevent you from wasting your time on social media.

6. Close the door

Close the door so you won’t get distracted from the outside discussions. Create a ‘do not disturb’ signal for family members and establish clear boundaries during your work hours. If the door is open, you will always want to go outside and have discussions with your family. But when the door is closed, your mind will keep focusing on the work and you won’t get disturbed by your family members.

7. Stay Connected

Remote work can sometimes feel isolating. It’s good to regularly communicate with your teammates through video calls, chats, or virtual meetings. This will not only foster a sense of connection but also will ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding project progress and goals.

8. Have a pint of water next to you

Drinking water as much as possible will be good for your health and also it will help to increase the efficiency of your work. When you are working alone at home it is possible to feel sleepy or lazy time to time. Having a sip of water will boost your body and mind so that you can continue your work at the same speed.

9. Find alternative locations to work

Working alone inside your home for days can be very tiresome and it can affect your mental health as well. No matter how comfortable your home is, spending days in the same place and working can be really stressful. To avoid this, find comfortable cafes or any place with good internet connection, low noise and nice people to work from time to time.

10. Know when to stop

Have a defined time to work. Never work overtime and after finishing the work for the day don’t start working again till the next day. Always try to maintain a work life balance. This way the next day you will be more enthusiastic about starting the work and will be more motivated to continue with your work.

By incorporating these points into your work-from-home routine, you can create a conducive environment that promotes focus, efficiency, and overall productivity.

Conclusion Mastering productivity while working from home requires a combination of discipline, organization, and adaptability. By implementing these practical tips, you can create a conducive environment that maximizes your efficiency and satisfaction in your remote work journey. Embrace the freedom of working from home while ensuring that you continue to deliver your best work.